Kim Klaver – The Network Marketing Legend!

Kim Klaver has been an entrepreneur since the age of eight and now, many years later, she’s a force to be reckoned with in the network marketing industry.

She has never understood why companies insist in sticking to the old ways of marketing that see people leave the industry faster than rats from a sinking ship and Kim has made it her mission to educate people to be advisors rather than sellers.

Her new book, Duplication Is A Myth – Do This Instead Kim Klaver explains exactly how and why she advises that course of action.

In it you’ll learn how to earn more by talking to fewer people, use the NO’s to improve your sales and stop feeling icky about calling prospects.

Kim even reveals a cool answer to the question of “What do you do?”

I don’t know anyone else who could put Rupert Murdoch, Charles Darwin, Sir Richard Branson, Tom Cruise, Lady Gaga and Maya Angelou in a book about the Network Marketing Industry and make it interesting.

Here’s the link to Kim Klaver’s very inexpensive pdf book, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll grab the audio version too …


For those of you who like to hold a physical book go here on

Here’s the poem I wrote about Kim Klaver

So You Want To Be A Marketer?

So you want to be a marketer,
But don't know where to start.
Have you upset friends and family yet,
And taken it to heart?

Perhaps, you've tried cold calling,
Found the words tied to your tongue?
Done the belly to belly thing,
And discovered it's no fun.

How about doing mail drops?
Have you taken out an ad?
Tried everything your up line said, 
And found it really bad?

Nothing seems to work out,
As your sponsor said it would.
Is your confidence down in your boots,
Do you think that you're no good?

Well, STOP!  You're not the problem,
It's the system that's to blame,
"Old school" gained a reputation,
But now things aren't the same.

The marketing tide is turning,
"New school" is pretty good,
It's advising, more than selling,
Treating people as it should.

A wise leader of this movement,
Has been selling since aged eight,
Kim Klaver, aka Ms Stud,
By now is pretty great!

With her no "BS" straight talking,
She'll take you by the hand,
Explain marketing through stories,
And help you understand.

If you can drop the "seller" talk,
Learn language that is new,
You won't turn off your prospects,
Be surprised what you can do.

Kim's a writer, teacher, leader,
So apply her wise advice,
Turn your personal way to market,
Into something really nice!

(C) Copyright Jean Shaw